“Pelican’s Way” is a serene escape nestled amidst the pristine dunes of Southern Shores. This...
“Pelican’s Way” is a serene escape nestled amidst the pristine dunes of Southern Shores. This...
At this semi-oceanfront gem, just steps from the ocean, enjoy coffee or cocktails on the upper deck...
You will spend "prime time" at this family-friendly and pet-friendly oceanside cottage. Direct...
Water views surround “Osprey’s Catch”, a spacious Outer Banks home located high on a hill...
more“Southern Oaks Hideaway” is a peaceful 3-bedroom haven nestled on the tranquil west side of the...
2,400 square foot reverse floor plan, including 1,300 square feet of decks. Sound view from top...
Southern Belle is a gorgeous beach cottage, located in convenient Southern Shores on a quiet and...
The entire family will enjoy this well-appointed, comfortable home that is close to the beach and...
This home has all the elements for a wonderful time at the beach. Stretch out on more than 1,500...
Experience the best in oceanfront vacations! Highest quality amenities and upscale furnishings set...
Gone Coastal was recently remodeled. Keurig single coffee maker in addition to the regular coffee...
Gorgeous, spacious home! Relax and enjoy the fabulous sunsets and tranquility from the multiple...
Contemporary décor and design make this 2,500 square-foot living space great for single or...
Light and airy interior with hardwood floors throughout. Short 240 yard walk to beach access with...
Enjoy this truly quintessential beach home. You will experience panoramic ocean views and beautiful...
Gorgeous home and beautifully decorated. Only three lots from the beach access with lovely ocean...
Relax in the warm ambiance of "Dip-Sea-Dunes," built as the original show house for Sea Pines. The...
Awesome sunset sound views, limited horizon ocean views, thoughtfully decorated living spaces with...