• Saturday, October 25th

Enjoy a day at the Manteo waterfront and see wooden boats displayed in the water and on the grounds of the Roanoke Island Maritime Museum at this special event that pays homage to the region’s deep ties to maritime history and culture.

The public is welcome to head to the scenic docks of the downtown waterfront to enjoy the fine craftsmanship of both newly created vessels, as well as restored and historic wooden boats from generations past. Registration is open for craftsmen to show off their professionally built or restored wooden boats, including power, sail, and row or paddle, and all proceeds help with the local youth sailing program. Awards will be granted to favorite entries, which includes the “People’s Choice Award” as well as the coveted “H.A. Creef Award,” which is a perpetual award that is presented to the best overall boat. For spectators, the sheer array of wooden boats displayed throughout the area will be a treat that only adds to the overall charm and uniqueness of a downtown Manteo exploration. With lots of reasons to participate - or just to take a stroll and enjoy the show - it’s no wonder that the Wooden Boat Show has become a favorite event for residents and fall visitors alike.