![]() NPS PHOTO Permits
Cape Hatteras National Seashore has different categories of permits. They are:
Off Road Vehicle (ORV) Permits Obtaining an ORV permit is an easy process that takes only minutes from start to finish. ORV Permits are available online only. Please visit Recreation.gov. to obtain your permit 24 hours a day.
For specific questions about Cape Hatteras ORV Permits please contact the ORV Office at 252-475-9054. Please leave a message if no one answers.The online permit process is as simple as
Two types of permits are available for purchase. They are
Remember to keep the permit in the permitted vehicle and the proof-of-permit sticker clearly visible on your windshield. What are my options for obtaining an ORV Permit? What is a print-at-home permit? 10-day permittees will print their permit and proof of permit directly from Recreation.gov. The permit will be kept in the vehicle and the proof of permit must be displayed in the lower driver's side of the windshield. The proof of permit will be displayed at all times that the permittee wishes to access the beach with an off-road vehicle. Do I have to print the permit, or can I keep it digitally on my smart phone?
If you cannot print the proof-of-permit, you can pick up a self-certification card from outside our visitor centers or at many local tackle shops. On the self-certification card, simply write in the information from your permit, sign the card, and place on your dashboard. I purchased an annual permit; will I get an annual decal? Can I switch my permit from one vehicle to the next? I need assistance with a problem I have with an online permit order. Who do I contact?
If I misplace my permit, or lose it, can I print another copy?
Beach Fire Permits Fires on the beach are a memorable experience. Want to enjoy the crackle of wood burning and the dancing of the firelight? Follow these simple steps:
Things to know about beach fires:
Special Use PermitsA Special Use Permit is required for activities that:
The following activities at Cape Hatteras National Seashore may require a Special Use Permit:Special Use Permits All weddings and vow renewals at Cape Hatteras National Seashore require a Special Use Permit. Please visit our wedding permits page for more information.
Surfing and kite boarding tournaments, races, fishing tournaments. Military ceremonies require a permit but the application fee is waived.
First Amendment Examples of First Amendment Activities:
Superintendent’sCompendium, https://www.nps.gov/caha/learn/management/lawsandpolicies.htm. Alternative locations may be requested and will be accommodated as feasible. If your activity meets the criteria above or you wish to obtain a permit for your First Amendment activity, complete the First Amendment application and e-mail it to e-mail us. We request that applications are submitted no later than 15 days prior to the activity to allow time for processing. No application fee is required for First Amendment activities. What is Commercial Filming?"Commercial filming" means the film, electronic, magnetic, digital, or other recording of a moving image by a person, business, or other entity for a market audience with the intent of generating income. Examples include, but are not limited to, feature film, videography, and documentaries. Commercial filming may include the advertisement of a product or service, or the use of actors, models, sets, or props. Does filming by small groups require a permit?Federal law requires a permit for all commercial filming, no matter the size of the crew or the type of equipment. The primary focus of the NPS, however, is on commercial filming that has the potential to impact park resources and visitors beyond what occurs from normal visitor use of park areas. Examples of this type of filming are productions that use substantial equipment such as sets and lighting, productions with crews and personnel that exceed 5 people, and filming in closed areas, wilderness areas, or in locations that would create conflicts with other visitors or harm sensitive resources. All filmers, no matter the size, must comply with all rules that apply in park areas, just like other visitors. If I’m a social media influencer, do I need a permit?Federal law requires a permit for all commercial filming, no matter the size of the crew or the type of equipment. This includes individuals or small groups that don’t use much equipment, but generate revenue by posting footage on websites, such as YouTube and TikTok. The primary focus of the NPS, however, is on commercial filming that has the potential to impact park resources and visitors beyond what occurs from normal visitor use of park areas. Examples of this type of filming are productions that use substantial equipment such as sets and lighting, productions with crews that exceed 5 people, and filming in closed areas, wilderness areas, or in locations that would create conflicts with other visitors or harm sensitive resources. All filmers, no matter the size, must comply with all rules that apply in park areas, just like other visitors. Does Non-Commercial Filming require a permit?Non-commercial filming may require a permit if a permit is necessary to manage the activity to protect park resources and values, minimize conflict between user groups, or to ensure public safety. Examples of non-commercial filming include, but are not limited to, filming for tourism bureaus, convention and visitor bureaus, student filming, and filming for personal use and enjoyment. In most cases, a permit is not necessary for visitors engaging in casual filming for personal enjoyment. Will I need to provide proof of insurance?You will be required to obtain liability insurance naming the United States of America as additionally insured in an amount commensurate with the risk posed to park resources by your proposed activity. What fees will I have to pay?Federal law requires the NPS to recover its administrative costs for commercial filming and still photography activities that require a permit. Cost recovery includes an application fee of $250 and any additional charges to cover the costs incurred by the NPS in processing your request, Location Fees, and $55 per hour per ranger for monitoring your permit. The application fee must be submitted with your application. Permit Application Steps: At Least 30 Days prior to requested filming dates
The $250 application fee covers the cost of administering the permit request and is non-refundable. Additional fees for costs incurred by the National Park Service, such as event monitoring, will apply. In addition, Federal law also requires the NPS to collect a location fee that provides a fair return to the United States for the use of park lands for commercial filming and for still photography requires a permit. The NPS uses the following fee schedules for filming and photography: Commercial Filming/Videography Location Fee
When is a permit needed?Price v. Barr had no impact on how the National Park Service regulates still photography, so there are no changes in how the National Park Service regulates that activity. Still photographers require a permit only when:
What fees will I have to pay?The National Park Service will collect a cost recovery charge and a location fee for still photography permits. Cost recovery includes a $250 application fee and any additional charges to cover the costs incurred by the National Park Service in processing your request and $55 per hour per ranger for monitoring your permit. The application fee must be submitted with your application. In addition, the National Park Service has been directed by Congress to collect a location fee to provide a fair return to the United States for the use of park lands. The National Park Service uses the following still photography location fee schedule:
Permit Application Steps: At Least 45 Days prior to requested filming dates.
The $250 application fee covers the cost of administering the permit request and is non-refundable. Additional fees for costs incurred by the National Park Service, such as event monitoring, will apply. What about photography workshops?If you are planning a photography workshop, you may need a commercial use authorization. Please visit our Commercial Use Authorizations Page for more information. A permit is required for scattering of human ashes from cremation and is allowed at Cape Hatteras National Seashore pursuant to the following terms and conditions:
If your activity meets the criteria above and you wish to obtain a permit to scatter ashes, complete the application by following this link: application and e-mail it to e-mail us. We request that applications are submitted at least 15 days prior to the activity to allow time for processing. No application fee is required for scattering of ashes. A Right-Of-Way (ROW) Permit is issued by Cape Hatteras National Seashore to allow a utility to pass over, under, or through park property. A ROW permit is required any time you want to build or install a utility on park lands. Projects could include electrical transmission lines, telephone and water lines, wireless communication towers, broadband equipment, microwave, fiber optic, and antenna. For more information please read about the Right-of-Way Permitting process, or contact our Special Park Uses Coordinator at 252-475-9034 or e-mail us.
Questions and Additional InformationFor questions about Off Road Vehicle Permits please call 252-475-9054.
What about photography workshops?If you are planning a photography workshop, you may need a commercial use authorization. Please visit our Commercial Use Authorizations Page for more information. Wedding and Portrait PhotographersPaid wedding and portrait photographers must obtain a Commercial Use Authorization to conduct business in the park. If you are a photographer and have any questions please e-mail us or call 252-475-9034 for more information.
For specific questions about Cape Hatteras ORV Permits please contact the ORV Office at 252-475-9054. Please leave a message if no one answers.Campground ReservationsOregon Inlet, Cape Point, Frisco, and Ocracoke Campground sites must be reserved and paid for through the Recreation.gov system. |
Last updated: June 19, 2024
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